eva beierheimer

_installation/ sculpture



-wallpapers (2006-2012)
-ww.art-words.net (2006/10)
-galeria hit (2010)
-kunstverein medienturm (2010)
-kro art gallery (2009)
-galleri mejan (2009)
-kkh (2009)
-transparent (2009)
-barrier tape (2005)








Exhibition at Kro Art Gallery, Vienna, 2009
Eva Beierheimer/Miriam Laussegger

art-worte (words) - exhibition at Kro Art Gallery, Vienna, 2009
For the work shown in this exhibition the words find their way back into the piece of art – exploring the different use cases of the “words” collection and approaching the art language in a personal way:
articulation management as a means of incompetence compensation competence or base material for the creation of art, starting point for analysis and critical examination or absurd aggregation of art terms.
The exhibition “words” is based on the video “collective authorship”. For this video different people from the domain of art select a term from the “words” list and talk about it.
Every work in the exhibition is dedicated to one of these terms and entitled accordingly.

ephemeral struktur/2009
Random texts are generated with the text generator www.worte.at using selected terms. The resulting sentences are cut out of white glass fibre foil, which is then mounted on a wooden frame.
4 walls, 220 x 94 cm


das repetetiv ermüdende (the repetetiv tiring)/2009
Series 1-4
Screenprint on paper, 38 x 27 cm


fast unmerklich (almost imperceptible)/2009
This work is based on dimly alienated art photographs and art text phrases.
Some of these word combinations were found in art texts, some are generated with the text generator www.worte.at.
Installation of 25 individual pieces
Screenprint on paper, 45 x 45 cm


(incompetence compensation competence/2009)
Bronze Sculpture
33 letters, letter height 33 mm


communication platform/2007
Three puppets made out of fruit form a discussion group.
The participants take their turns in improvising by forming sentences based on terms randomly found on the “words” list.
A Dadaistic art conversation emerges.

Video - created 2007 for “making of kit” in the demonstration room
Fruit sculptures carved by Rüdiger Reisenberger
Interpreted by: Laura Laussegger, Rüdiger Reisenberger, Roman Wiedholm
Editorial Team kit: Eva Beierheimer, Gudrun Gruber, Judith Gruber, Miriam Laussegger, Miriam Raggam


zeit - raum - sprachbezug/2009
Video Projection
